Updated Theme

I’m updating the theme from the previous Hyde theme to Terminal. There will be a few visual glitches as I work through the change but the basics are in place.

The syntax highlighting is still a work in progress.

Unlaunching Prompts

What happend to the prompts?

Prompts were an interesting concept but I’ve decided not to pursue them at this time. This is mainly a choice in how I want to spend my time.

At the end of the day, what do I want to accomplish? My main goal is to produce applications and libraries. Prompts would take my focus away from this goal.

Introducing Prompts [closed: won’t do]

I’ve been thinking about ways to be more active in my Rust exploration and I think that I’ve settled on the idea of Prompts.

Prompts are project-based learning experiments where I will explore Rust concepts, crates, or tools. The prompts should be narrow enough in scope that they can be completed in about a week. While only spending at most an hour a day.

The prompts will include

  • a goal - what I am trying to learn
  • description - the scenario I am working under
  • constraints - ensures the project can be scoped to a few days or a weeks worth of work
  • models - the minimal high level objects I want to represent
  • acceptance criteria - what I consider is done

More importantly prompts should not be

  • so difficult or complex as to be discouraging.
  • gotchas or brain busters

Complex topics should be the subject of their own prompt and broken down appropriately so that they may fit into the above criteria.