Welcome to Platform Goblin.

This site can be described in many ways including

  • a ‘portfolio’ site
  • a blog
  • even a ‘diary’

It may, in-fact, be a bit of all the above. Primarily this site serves as a place to collect my thoughts, showcase public projects, and document my journey.

Whether you are just stopping by or are a regular visitor. I’m glad you stopped by and I hope you found something useful while you were here.

About Me

I’ve filled roles in Customer Support, QA, Performance Engineering, Software Development, Game Programming, and Management. I’ve had the opportunity to program in C++, Java, Ruby, Python, Bash, Objective-C, Swift and most recently Rust. This variety has allowed me to assist teams both inside and outside of the IDE.

What is a Platform Goblin

Most of my early roles were backend or behind the scenes roles. I built or extended the API, I made the 500s disappear, or built the caching strategy that helped speed up the website. These roles were extremely fulfilling but none of these were very exciting to demo at the end of the day.

While others had new site designs or GUI apps to display, I had a block of JSON or graph showing a % performance improvement. I took to calling my role a server goblin in playful self-deprecation. I would log in to make sure that those UIs were properly routed to and that the queries were running quickly and retreat to my cubical.

As my roles changed to integrating services to provide a strong platform for others to build on top the internal role changed to Platform Goblin.